30 agosto 2010


Tha diz: Let's go to the beach on Weekend?
Momô diz: YEAH! Bitch on beach! I said: Daaaad, your niece is inviting me to go to the beach! (...) and he said: But she dad's don't reported me. =((
Tha diz: But my dad go to speak about the beach with your dad!!!
Momô diz: And my dad will agree, because he loves you and your dad! *-*
Tha diz: We are happy!!! Forevermenteeeeeeeeeeeeeee *-------*
Momô diz: Yeah! So happy. Happy so much! Very very Happy! Fucking happy! (H)
#playing: oooh happy day , oh happy dayyy (8) ... everybody singing!
heuheuehuehhe!! english fail. fuen fuen fuen (n)
Tha diz: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Momô diz: Now I'll take a shower, then eat something, then I go to english and finally to college. See you! Take care! XOXO